Monday, December 26, 2022
New AMITY 74... Jawsmas sale is On...
Friday, December 16, 2022
D23 Expo Disneyland + WDW HAUNTED MANSION screenprint set + 3 Ghosts Handbills
Hello friends- Just
scroll down to purchase your Haunted Mansion screenprint set.
UPDATE. Sold Out thx all. -JC
Monday, October 31, 2022
New prints - HALLOWEEN + THE BOOGEYMAN onsale is... ON.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
New Disney D23 Expo releases - THE HAUNTED MANSION
Hello friends- Welcome to THE HAUNTED MANSION (and more) AP onsale- just scroll down to purchase-- You will also receive the THREE GHOSTS screenprinted handbills with your HM order.
Main run sold out at the D23 Expo and and we have very
few AP sets available so don't be late.. these will go wicked fast.. -JC
Monday, August 15, 2022
New print release - SOMEWHERE NEAR FLAGSTAFF (National Lampoon's Vacation)
Hello friends- Hope you're having a good start to summer (or winter down under)... Summer has finally arrived here in the Northeast, but things continue to get stranger and gnarlier out there, so as usual I'm taking solace in favorite films of the past.. I think we could all use a Vacation.. Best-JC
Friday, July 15, 2022
New releases-- Conan '82 + Frank Lloyd Wright APs + Jaws Amity '74
Hello friends- Hope you're having a happy and healthy 2022. Spring has
sprung here in the Northeast, but things continue to get weirder out there,
so as usual I'm taking solace in favorite films of the past...
Friday, March 11, 2022
WHERE THINGS MAKE SENSE - The Shawshank Redemption poster APs
Hello friends- Hope you're having a happy and healthy 2022... Things continue to get weirder out there, but we can alway count on the movies to provide aan escape-- in this case, both metaphorically and literally..
Just let me know if you have any issues.. lots going on behind the
scenes, so hope to share more releases soon. Best-JC
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Hello friends- Hope you're having a great 2021 so far... While I toil away
meeting some gnarly project deadlines, here's some new Jaws goodness to
start the new year off right... scroll down to purchase.
AMITY HARBOR no. 1 is the third in my unofficial Amity 'Fin' series, showcasing the natural beauty of the Amity coastline (variant is sans fin).. and check out the mini print set with larger versions of recent Amity '74 handbills.
Also- in my ongoing effort to thwart the print bootleggers popping up all over the interwebs, a 24"x8" edition of THE MAP ROOM is available so you can enjoy some Raiders action without getting a blurry copy on ETSY (sorry no larger sizes available to keep it distinct from the original screenprint release).