RISING TO SLEEP - (Nature Guild #8)- S/N xx/50; 18x24 screenprint; 5-color (1 fade) - OUT OF STOCK
*will ship in 3-4 weeks
JOURNEY s/n AP -xx/33 6-color screenprint 36"x11" - OUT OF STOCK

PETER PAN (for MONDO) S/N AP - 12-color screenprint - 36"x12"- OUT OF STOCK
THE FOREST SENTRIES - 18x24 screenprint; 10-color- OUT OF STOCK
PROMETHEUS for Mondo/SDCC'13- AP -S/N xx/33 6-color screenprint 36"x12" - OUT OF STOCK
JUNGLE RUNNER (inspired by Pitfall)- AP for iam8bit Art Show S/N xx/22, 27"x10" giclee - OUT OF STOCK
“WE KEEP WATCH” - 28″ x 12″, 10-color screenprint - OUT OF STOCK
DRAGONSLAYER poster for Mondo - AP
S/N 6-color screenprint - 24"x36" - OUT OF STOCK
THE BATCAVE (before) Variant for Sideshow Collectibles
S/N 9-color screenprint - 29"x20" - OUT OF STOCK

"The Three Voices" 18"x24", 9-color screen print
REMEMBER- If anything goes weird or you run into an issue, just shoot me an email and we'll work it out.
Thanks again everyone for all the support!-JC