Hello my friends- Yes, I'm bad at updating. We can dwell on it or move on... I prefer the latter. You too? Great, let's get to it...
San Diego Comic Con came and went without a new post! Had a blast meeting a lot of you on the floor both inside and outside the Convention Center, and will have more of pics and news to share about the entire experience a bit later in the week. Let's just say I made a few great decisions, a whole lot of mistakes, and a sincere vow to do the whole thing much better next year.

If you were following me on Twitter you know I finally made it to the floor
on Saturday morning, after a 6 hour traffic fiasco on Friday. The Mondo crew, gracious and helpful as always, were handling all the tough stuff for the Prometheus poster drop/signing happening at 2PM, so I had time to
wander the area and give out a few sets of mini prints printed up as an exclusive of sorts for folks who had made it out to the Con (and braved the crowds to find me amongst the vast sea of humanity!). Meeting all those people who shared the similar interests and passions was an awesome byproduct of the giveway; my only regret was I didn't have more to give out... definitely going to do something like that again.
That reminds me.. anyone going to Boston Comic Con this weekend? I'll be there at least one day, but not working...
The printing is done and I had hoped to start shipping these last week, but a delay on the vendor end has them still in transit to me. They good news is they look great and should be here any day now; as soon as they arrive, I'll sign/number/ship out ASAP.
Glad you asked. Let's do the reveal later today (7/29)- just let me get some sleep first!